From Electronic Engineering To Education: An ICT4D Meetup Perspective From India
Our next ICT4D Meetup is Tuesday 25 July and we are excited to have a speaker from Oxford University, Ms. Divya Joseph! Divya will share her perspectives on her journey to blend her electronics engineering background with her passion for education, focusing on her exceptional work in India in the private and non-profit sectors.
I was fortunate to encounter Divya last month at the Oxford Symposium for Comparative and International Education (OXSCIE 2017). I was immediately blown away by her enthusiasm for how learning could be enhanced by technology, especially for developing the skills of school leaership in India. She is one of those rare types who can conceive an edtech intervention and consider most of the important angles while keeping people at the forefront of this work. As she completes her Master's in Learning and Technology, she looks forward to using her skills to support intiatives that can transform the lives of people in her country. Here's a bit more about Ms. Joseph:
Divya Joseph is currently finishing a Master's degree in Learning and Technology at the University of Oxford, where she is researching participatory approaches to technology interventions in education.
Divya began her professional career as a software engineer - designing and developing software for multinational conglomerates. Meanwhile, she also started teaching part-time to middle school students of an orphanage in India. Eventually, she decided to switch careers and explore the field of education.
She began her career in education with a Master in Education at Azim Premji University, Bangalore in 2013. She also worked part-time for the Center for Curiosity (CfC), an NGO based out of the United States. At CfC, Divya was instrumental in launching their first project in Bangalore and designing and implementing their unique curriculum. After her first Master's program, she worked with Kaivalya Education Foundation in Rajasthan where she worked extensively with principals of government schools to help them build their leadership skills. It was here that she became interested in the use of technology to better support the principals in their day-to-day activities.
Currently, you'll either find Divya running barefoot in the outdoors, or buried under books.
We look forward to hosting Divya at our July ICT4D Meetup (register here), where we will enjoy wine, wotsits, and lots of insight from the nexus of education and technology in India. Hope to see you all there!