3 Great Reasons To Attend The ICT4D London Meetup On 31st May

Panoply Digital’s Lauren Dawes and Ronda Zelezny-Green are co-organisers of the London ICT4D group, which organizes regular events and ICT4D meetups for London’s ICT4D and digital development community.

This month’s event, held at the GSMA office on Tuesday 31st May, is a pretty special one – and we have 3 great reasons for you to attend:

1. It features a movie: The Mobile Revolution

Not just any movie, but a cerebral documentary about the history of the mobile phone and its impact on human interactions and behaviour. The Mobile Revolution is a critically acclaimed and engaging piece of work that not only looks at the first mobile, the man who invented it and the use of camera phones on journalism, but also the consequences, both good and bad, of being permanently connected – a timely conversation in light of current debates around safety, security and privacy on digital platforms.

2. Debates with some of the finest minds in ICT4D

After the movie, there’ll be some discussion around key themes and thoughts from the movie. The ICT4D MeetUps are always really well-attended, with some of London’s most prominent ICT4D people. An mHealth-themed meetup from a couple of months ago featured speakers from both the private and the public sectors, and had over sixty attendees and was standing room only, which guaranteed a lively debate as well as an opportunity to meet people from other verticals.

3. You get a foamy drink

Alcoholic or non-alcoholic, your choice, along with snacks. Because what’s a movie without popcorn, right?

The ICT4D MeetUp: 31st May 6.30pm, GSMA Building. For more information, visit the ICT4D Group.


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