Unleashing Digital Transformation: Insights From The DigSMART Rwanda Masterclass

On the 25th and 26th of September 2023, an exciting event unfolded in the heart of Kigali, Rwanda that brought together leaders from Senegal, Malawi, Ghana, and the host country for a transformative experience—the DigSMART Rwanda Masterclass. This two-day event was the pièce de résistance of the six-month TBI Digital Academy DigSMART training programme, which is supported by Panoply Digital. The programme is designed to foster skills in digital transformation and digital leadership, as well as basic digital skills across participating nations.

The masterclass provided a unique platform for participants to engage with experts, to network with one another across government sectors, and to explore innovative solutions aimed at advancing digital transformation in their respective countries.

DigSMART Rwanda Masterclass: A Game-Changer

The DigSMART Rwanda Masterclass was more than just a gathering of like-minded individuals; it was a catalyst for change. Here's a closer look at what transpired during this pivotal event:

  • Heightened Insight and Knowledge: Guest speakers included the Hon. Minister Paula Ingabire of Rwanda's Ministry of ICT & Innovation, who summarised the country’s digital transformation journey, including its ongoing focus on education, data for policy-making, and support for startups. A panel discussion on public-private partnerships ignited dynamic conversations and highlighted opportunities for co-creation, leveraging public assets in a way that benefits all, and business-to-government models. The masterclass offered a platform for attendees to post questions to experts and gain insights into various aspects of digital transformation.

  • Hands-On Exposure to Innovative Solutions: The Innovation Fayre showcased a diverse range of innovative service providers playing an active role in Rwanda’s digital transformation journey from e-government platforms to FinTech and EdTech solutions to drone blood delivery. Participants had the opportunity to witness live demonstrations and interact with innovators to learn more about digital innovations and how they could be applied in their own countries.

  • Development of Lasting Networks: A valuable outcome of the masterclass was the creation of enduring networks. Leaders from Senegal, Malawi, Ghana, and Rwanda came together, forming bonds that will undoubtedly transcend borders and foster collaboration on future digital initiatives. As a participant from Malawi noted, “I was sitting with someone from Ghana and another one from Rwanda. We are already beginning to share experiences… When we go back home, we are going to improve on some of the things we are trying to do.”

  • Digital Transformation Advocates: The masterclass had a clear objective—to equip participants with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to become digital transformation advocates within their respective government departments. Attendees were encouraged to think about roadmaps for their digital transformation journey and left the event with plans for initiatives they intended to implement in the short to medium-term. As one participant summarised at the end of the two-day event, “I’m fired up. As I go back, I’m geared up to try and convince my management… I want them to prioritise issues of digital transformation.”

Demonstrating the Value of Digital Transformation Learning Visits

The efficacy of the DigSMART Rwanda Masterclass was in its ability to create a collaborative space where leaders and innovators from different African nations can engage in practical learning activities, share experiences, foster interaction with digital transformation experts, and gain exposure to digital transformation in action.

At the end of the two-day event, participants described the masterclass as “educational”, “transformative”, “insightful”, “engaging”, and “inspiring”. They highlighted some of their key takeaways, which included the importance of leadership, vision, strategy, commitment, and determination in digital transformation, as well as the need to collaborate.

As one participant summarised, “My key takeaway is that it is possible for you to realise transformation through digitalisation in the public sector, but it requires having a very clear vision, and being committed to that vision and then a strategic approach to collaboration with the private sector and development partners, as well as the internal stakeholders within the government system.”

Another key takeaway for participants was the importance of championing a digital mindset within their organisations. As one participant described, “My key takeaway is to champion the digital mindset for my colleagues and leadership to embrace technology... for instance to improve upon digital content creation... that's what I intend to do.”

The success of the DigSMART Rwanda Masterclass highlights the value of digital transformation learning visits that bring together existing and emerging digital transformation leaders from different countries. The ripple effects of this masterclass are expected to be felt as participants return to their respective roles with additional knowledge and inspiration. As one participant concluded, “If Rwanda can do it, we also can do it.”


Read more about Rwanda’s remarkable digital transformation journey.


5 Lessons Learned From Data And Digital Upskilling For Governments In LMICs


Rwanda's Remarkable Digitalisation Journey: A Learning Opportunity