We share our expertise in publications spanning development issues in journals, trade publications, books, and on our blog. 

Open Research, Scholarship And Learning Resources
Michael Gallagher Michael Gallagher

Open Research, Scholarship And Learning Resources

I had written about the availability of academic research and data for developing nations in my former guise as an information professional years ago; after revisiting that post, I thought it might be worthwhile to update that information here to demonstrate that while much of this research is still behind paywalls, much exists out there that many don’t know about.

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The Power Of Free: Improving Access To Mobile Learning Platforms
Michael Gallagher Michael Gallagher

The Power Of Free: Improving Access To Mobile Learning Platforms

The recent move by the network provider Cell C (one of the largest network providers) in South Africa to provide free access (no data charges) to social media platforms such as WhatsApp and Facebook was not only a well thought marketing plan but also meant more connectivity for students across the country.

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Digital Education And Cultural Needs: Finding A Balance
Alex Tyers Alex Tyers

Digital Education And Cultural Needs: Finding A Balance

It’s safe to say that digital education is massive, is growing, and is definitely here to stay. Obviously, it’s huge in developed markets like the USA and Europe – but what is becoming clearer and clearer is that the real opportunity in digital education is in emerging markets and ‘start-up nations’. T

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Development Spending Trends
Lauren Dawes Lauren Dawes

Development Spending Trends

An interesting article was posted to Devex today discussing not the more typical topic of where in the world donor funding coming from and going to, but who will determine the spending of the investment once it arrives.

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MERS Mobile Surveillance In Korea As Extension Of Social Practice: Some Takeaways For The Development Community
Michael Gallagher Michael Gallagher

MERS Mobile Surveillance In Korea As Extension Of Social Practice: Some Takeaways For The Development Community

Picking up on a post by Panoply Digital Co-Director Ronda Zelezny-Green on the South Korean government mandating monitoring apps for youth in Android-based mobile technology, I wanted to extend that discussion a bit to demonstrate how pervasive this monitoring can be and particularly how it can be justified, or conceptualized, under appeals to public safety.

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What's So Scary About M&E For Mobile Services?
Alex Tyers Alex Tyers

What's So Scary About M&E For Mobile Services?

I don’t think anyone can deny that the world of ICT4D and mobile for development is growing. Development players are starting to embrace mobile technology, and the number of M4D projects (as well as donor funding for M4D and ICT4D projects) is also growing.

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Techy Women, Getting Women Interested In Technology And Reaching The Top
Michael Gallagher Michael Gallagher

Techy Women, Getting Women Interested In Technology And Reaching The Top

Tim Cook, chief executive officer of Apple has been at the center of media in recent weeks on issues of mobile privacy as well as women in technology. In an exclusive interview with Mashable he asserted the important role of women in technology, citing the prominence of diversity in moving forward as a company.

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Development's Hidden Challenge
Alex Tyers Alex Tyers

Development's Hidden Challenge

I watched an interesting Ted Talk by Gary Haugen recently on law enforcement in developing countries and its stifle on development and had to wonder why it was something that I had never given enough, or even a lot of thought to before.

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South Korea Mandates Monitoring Apps For Youth
Ronda Zelezny-Green Ronda Zelezny-Green

South Korea Mandates Monitoring Apps For Youth

I lived in South Korea for nearly a year spanning 2006-7. While there, I was often mystified by how Koreans could be simultaneously so technologically advanced and old school. Well, this new development from the land of kimchi takes the fish cake!

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Competing Priorities On A Country's Post-Conflict Agenda
Michael Gallagher Michael Gallagher

Competing Priorities On A Country's Post-Conflict Agenda

I regularly receive newsletters on the sterling work that the friends of IBBA school for girls have done in building a school for young girls in Sudan. Following conflict and subsequent country instability, the school was built by a community of international and local people who wanted to empower young girls post this conflict.

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ICT4D - Still Moving Forward, Regardless
Lauren Dawes Lauren Dawes

ICT4D - Still Moving Forward, Regardless

I was interested to read the recent and ongoing debate that ICT4D is slowly dying or perhaps just changing and thought I would throw my two cents in for what it’s worth.

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Does Innovation Matter For The Global South?
Ronda Zelezny-Green Ronda Zelezny-Green

Does Innovation Matter For The Global South?

I can always count on SciDevNet to provide some of the most interesting articles as it relates to science and technology in the Global South, and they did not disappoint last week.

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