FHI 360 (MSTAR) and USAID Digital Inclusion Team

Scope of Project: The FHI 360 Mobile Solutions Technical Assistance and Research (mSTAR) project is a programme that fosters the rapid adoption and scale-up of digital finance, digital inclusion and mobile data in developing countries. mSTAR seeks to increase access to, and use of, mobile and digital technologies by low-income individuals, civil society, local government institutions and private-sector stakeholders.

Our Work: Based on rigorous research, Panoply Digital created a Gender and ICT training course for internal USAID staff and implementing partners, delivered online, on mobile and through face-to-face workshops. The course teaches participants the main issues around women's access to, and use of mobile and other ICTs, and how to integrate gender and ICT into development programming. This course can now be found on our site.

We partnered with a boutique communications and design firm, Big Blue Communications, who have created all the sound and visuals, including whiteboard animations.

Countries Served: Global


Center For International Private Enterprise (CIPE)


Higher Education for Development (HED)