Putting A Spotlight On Girls And Digital

User testing Oky with girls in Mongolia. © Alexandra Tyers

In the gender and ICT world, adolescent girls often take a backseat compared to adult women  - there is comparatively very data on girls under 18 and their access to and use of technology, and they are often harder to reach than adult women. So we’re very excited to have several stories focusing on adolescent girls and digital this month - a digital period tracker just for girls, digital skills for girls, and sex-disaggregated data on girls under the age of 18!

The July 2020 edition of the Gender and Mobile newsletter was produced by Panoply Digital’s own Alexandra Tyers. What I love about this issue is that Alex can FINALLY brag about the cool period tracker technology, Oky, that she helped bring into the world.

Working with adolescent girls in Indonesia and Mongolia, Alex co-created a product that, unlike many other period tracking options out there, does NOT track its users. I have been using Oky since it debuted and love it for this reason. A helpful reminder without all the GDPR privacy violations. What’s not to love?

You can read the full July 2020 issue of the Gender and Mobile newsletter here.


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