Panoply Digital Contributes To New "Language For Resilience" Report From The British Council

Last year, Panoply Digital was asked by LearnJam to contribute to a groundbreaking new report released by the British Council that examined the use of digital engagement and digital learning for language resilience in refugee and host community contexts in Jordan. We were delighted to be engaged for our “expert guidance and advice […], which greatly helped [LearnJam] navigate the vast body of existing research and literature in this field,” namely digital learning and digital education.

Perhaps most importantly, we are really excited about the release of this report in 2020 because given the global pandemic and COVID19, it refocuses attention on the lingering humanitarian crisis stemming from the Syrian civil war and the large-scale forced displacement of many of the country’s citizens in Jordan. While the Jordanian government has had to work hard to strengthen its strategic approach to hosting refugees in its country, particularly in adapting its education sector to cope with the sharp increase in students, much work remains to be done.

We believe this report goes a long way to highlighting to who and how the government can facilitate digital engagement, digital learning, and digital education for some of the most vulnerable youth in the country, building on previous research contributions Dr Ronda Zelezny-Green made in this space with UNESCO (2018a, 2018b). The fieldwork conducted by LearnJam was key to building out personal insight from learners affected by the crisis into the challenges they experience to participate in education. Previous fieldwork conducted by Lauren Dawes and Alexandra Tyers in Jordan, particularly with the host community, was also critical to informing Panoply Digital’s contributions to this report.

You can learn more about the report here and also download the full report at this link! If sharing our post on social media, please use the hashtag #LanguageforResilience!


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