Celebrating Women's History Month In The Digital Age

We're nearing the end of another eventful Women's History Month and thought it would be great to look back at some recent history makers in the world of gender and mobile. In this issue, you'll learn about two incredible young women putting their tech talents to use for other women and girls. You'll also discover many of the strides one organization has made since 2008 through digital outreach to girls. Gender and mobile are becoming increasingly intertwined in meaningful ways that are having immediate and tangible impact. We hope you are as excited as we are to see what the future holds.

If you know of other changemakers in this space we should feature, let us know on Twitter: @rondaz_g and @alex_tyers. Also, if you enjoy our newsletter, spread the word and share our link! You, our readership, keep us going!

Read the latest issue of the Gender and Mobiles newsletter here.


Panoply Digital Contributes To New "Language For Resilience" Report From The British Council


Digital Education Work And Urban Resilience